
Archive for April 13th, 2009

Thank you Jocelyn for such a sweet tag.

I've been tagged by Jocelyn.

I've been tagged by Jocelyn.

I am having a hard time posting direct links so you can find all these wonderful people in my blogroll. That is whay I put them there cause I love them.

Jocelyn and her sweet beautiful self sent me this lovely tag.

Here are the rules to continue sharing the blog luv:
1. The winner may put the logo on their blog.
2. Put a link to the person who sent you the award.
3. Nominate 10 blogs.
4. Put links to their blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees.

Now I choose…

Jenneke…Just who I am

Jeanne…A Bushel and a Peck



Mandy…Teacup of Scrapisms

Wow 10 is a lot I am new to this thing so these are my favs I would add Julie but she already was chosen by Jocelyn. So I guess I will just send 5. Every one I chose can pick an extra one for me.

Have a great day…Love to you all.

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Tip Junkie…

Most of you have seen my cakes. I do it in my “spare time” and just for fun. I started to use my cricut to make the toppers on the cakes because there is such a variety of themes to choose from. Plus…it gives me another reason to scrapbook. Hehehehehe…lol. So I just got a comment from another blog saying they featured me and several other people for baby tips….Go check out the blog it is pretty cool. They are now in my blog roll.


Here is the cake topper they featured!!!

Welcome Braylie Jane!

Welcome Braylie Jane!

New Arrival Cricut Cartridge Topper!

New Arrival Cricut Cartridge Topper!

Thanks Tip Junkie for featuring me on your blog. How cool is that.

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Hoppy Easter!!!

Happy EasterĀ  to you…

My children spent the weekend with my mother in law. So our Easter morning was not typical for us. Now early rising to Easter baskets just early rise to church. Jasin, My husband is the media director for our church and a full time employee. This Easter Sunday we had 3 services…7..9..11. I served in the nursery at 9 am, this is where all the little ones go during service. Busy day.

After we went to my mother in laws. She cooked Lunch and dinner. Nice for me a very relaxing day. We all were able to take a nap. a very rare thing for me. There was a big storm that rolled in today so no egg hunt today. Wellllll…..We improvised. Alex my oldest daughter hid eggs for the boys. Jacob my 7 year old was very upset because Jesse my 5 year old found almost all the eggs. Because they are so close there is always a competition. Here is a photo of Jesse’s loot. I am all for giving things we can use over and over again so this year the boys got a sand bucket for their Easter basket. Alex got a green purse with all her surprises in it.

Jesse shows off his loot.

Jesse shows off his loot.

I was very touched by our church service today. It was a sermon andĀ  added in was a couple of songs. Our praise team sang Amazing Grace while members of our church held up signs… for instance our childrens pastor had breast cancer…her sign on one side said .”breast cancer” and then she flipped it to the other side and it said, “survivor”…her son is autistic so the front of his sign said, “autistic” and when he flipped his sign it said, “a perfect child of God”…one said, “broken” then when it was flipped said, “Whole”…one said ,”selfish” and on the other side it said, “giver”…at the end of the song our youth paster came up with a sign it said, “abandoned” on the front and then when he flipped the sign it said, “adopted”. Our pastor began to tell us that all the people up there today struggled with these very things on their signs, but with God in there life have found peace and freedom. It was a very powerful visual of Gods mercy and Grace. I must say I got tears in my eyes I was very touched. You never know what people are going thru by looking at them. Everyone has a history. I know it is hard to show mercy and grace to people these days. There is so much going on around the world that I am not proud of but we can still do our part and share kindness and love even when people are not being so kind and loving to us. You never know what is behind their cold hearts. Maybe no one ever shared kindness with them. You may be the first. Happy Easter.

All my love to you, Amy

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